E ardhmja e lëvizshmërisë

Mobility is entering a new age of innovation. We examined regional trends across the world to explore the complex changes that could transform the sector by 2035. Electrification and Sustainable Practices One of the most prominent trends shaping the future of mobility is the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). Governments worldwide are implementing stringent […]

Abonimi i makinës – A e miratoni?

The automotive industry is undergoing a transformative shift as car companies veer away from traditional sales models towards innovative approaches such as car subscriptions. This evolution not only reflects changing consumer preferences but also presents unique opportunities for industry players to redefine their revenue streams. This essay explores how players in the automotive sector can […]

Blogu i makinës

A Car Enthusiast’s Journey into Car-Sharing Apps In a world where urban spaces are evolving, and sustainability is becoming a lifestyle, even the most dedicated car enthusiast might find themselves reconsidering their relationship with their beloved four-wheeled companion. Car-sharing apps, designed to foster community and optimize resource utilization, are transforming the way we think about […]

Zbërthimi i konceptit të çmimit optimal në ndarjen e makinave

Car-sharing services have become a cornerstone of urban transportation, offering convenience and flexibility to a diverse user base. At the heart of a successful car-sharing platform lies the intricate science of pricing – a delicate balance that ensures affordability for users, sustainability for the service, and optimal utilization of the shared resource. This essay explores […]

Ballkani me makinë: Një udhëtim nëpër kohë, kulturë dhe peizazhe skenike

The Balkan Peninsula, with its rich tapestry of cultures, histories, and breathtaking landscapes, beckons the intrepid traveler to embark on a unique and immersive journey. While many opt for conventional modes of transportation, navigating the Balkans by car offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore hidden gems, historical wonders, and picturesque landscapes that define this diverse […]

A është AI e ardhmja e mikromobilitetit

How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Micromobility In the fast-paced world of urban transportation, micromobility is taking center stage, and the driving force behind its evolution is none other than artificial intelligence (AI). This blog delves into the ways in which AI is steering the course for the future of micromobility, revolutionizing how we move within […]

A janë ndarja e makinave dhe sipërmarrja e ardhmja e EV-ve?

The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is on the rise globally, with over ten million units sold in 2022, a figure expected to grow by 35% in 2023. The International Energy Agency predicts that EVs will capture an 18% market share, up from 4% in 2020. In the USA, a leading player in EV production […]

Abonimi i makinës – A e miratoni?

The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is on the rise globally, with over ten million units sold in 2022, a figure expected to grow by 35% in 2023. The International Energy Agency predicts that EVs will capture an 18% market share, up from 4% in 2020. In the USA, a leading player in EV production […]

Si e menaxhoni një flotë të përbashkët?

The concept of shared mobility has redefined the notion of a fleet, presenting new complexities for efficient management, which can now be addressed through automation. Effectively managing a shared fleet in a tourist-centric country poses considerable challenges. How do companies in this sector handle their fleet? Are they confronted with issues or losses? What risks […]

Pse ndarja e makinave?

Car-sharing saves you money Car-sharing removes from the equation all of the costs that come with car ownership: road tax, insurance, legally required inspections, tires changes, potential parking fees. This is all before you have even gotten out of neutral and into first gear.The most significant saving, however, is fuel. In Europe, the average car […]