Ndikimi i ndarjes së makinave

The impact of carsharing: social & environmental benefits In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, the way we get around plays a crucial role. Traditional car ownership has long been the norm, but there’s a rising star in town that’s changing the game – carsharing. This innovative concept not only transforms how we […]

Makinat si simbole të statusit: Evolucioni, ndikimi dhe rasti për ndarjen e makinave

How cars became status symbols and why we should rethink that obsession In our modern world, the perception of cars as status symbols persists, impacting behaviors and decisions. Despite the growing awareness of the hidden costs associated with personal vehicle ownership, cars remain embedded in societal norms. This emotional attachment influences individuals to make choices […]

Dritat paralajmëruese të panelit të kontrollit të shpjeguara

Your ride is perfectly happy to tell you when something’s wrong. But you have to listen. Understanding what warning lights do and don’t mean will help you help your vehicle. Whether it’s an improperly closed door, or the dreaded check-engine alert, dashboard warning lights are how your car communicates with you when something goes wrong. […]

3 pjata ballkanike që duhet të provoni

We will present to you a variety of delectable One Pot Balkan Dishes. These recipes, which range from filling soups to substantial stews, are abundant in typical European ingredients. So, gather the necessities and proceed to your local European supermarket or online grocery store with your shopping list in hand. PASUL – BALKAN BEAN SOUP […]

Udhëtimi rrugor i Maqedonisë së Veriut: Shkup-Ohër (5-7 ditë)

• Duration: 5-7 days• Distance covered: 600km (approx. 9 hours of driving)• Highlights: Skopje Old Bazaar, Tetovo Mosque, Lake Ohrid, Krushevo The Skopje loop route in North Macedonia is another iconic Balkan road trip that takes you past all the must-see locations in the nation. After spending a few days in the capital, compare and […]

Telematika është një komponent thelbësor i përfitimit të MaaS

The growth-at-all-costs strategy that Uber and other newcomers to the mobility service market notoriously followed is gradually being replaced by an emphasis on sustainability and profitability. On the one hand, technology have advanced, making services more dependable and available than in the past; on the other hand, optimization is the current problem. However, the negative […]

Udhëtim Rrugor në Kroacinë Veriore Gadishulli i Istrias (7 ditë)

• Time frame: 7 days• 200 km was traveled, or almost three hours of driving.• Highlights: Istrian wines, the Pula Amphitheatre, and the historic town of Rovinj The stunning Istria area of Croatia is one of the best spots in the Balkans for a road trip. Istria, one of Croatia’s culinary hotspots, is a great […]

Mijëvjeçarët e moshuar, doli se në fund të fundit ata nuk ishin aq kundër drejtimit

The majority of these young people just couldn’t afford to drive; they weren’t choosing not to drive because they were against automobile culture or because they had strong environmental beliefs. “When you consider the costs associated with car ownership and teen driver insurance, it makes sense,” Ralph remarked. “It doesn’t make sense because it is […]

Millennials të moshuar, doli se në fund të fundit ata nuk ishin aq kundër vozitjes

The majority of these young people just couldn’t afford to drive; they weren’t choosing not to drive because they were against automobile culture or because they had strong environmental beliefs. “When you consider the costs associated with car ownership and teen driver insurance, it makes sense,” Ralph remarked. “It doesn’t make sense because it is […]