General Data Protection Regulation GDPR

Privacy policy

Last revised: August 27, 2024

Rentout International Ltd. and its partners care about privacy and transparency, therefore, we want you to be familiar with how we collect, use, process, and disclose your personal information. Our Privacy Policy describes the privacy practices in connection with our platform, website and mobile applications linked to this Privacy Policy. We ensure our user for their personal data usage to be in a lawful and transparent manner ensuring fairness towards our users whose personal data is being processed.

1. Can our users ask to have their data transferred to another organization on request?

Yes, individuals have the right to data portability, that is, to receive from Rentout the personal data they provided in a structured, machine-readable format and have it transmitted to another company or organization. The right may only be exercised where personal data was collected in the context of a contract or on the basis of consent, and such data is processed by automated means. Please submit these request by mail to [email protected] and [email protected]. Within 1 month, our team will reply to you regarding your personal data request.

2. Do we always have to delete personal data, if our users asks?

Our General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives to our users the right to ask for their data to be deleted and we have the obligation to do so, except in the following cases:

• Your personal data is needed to exercise the right of freedom of expression;
• There is a legal obligation to keep that data;
• For reasons of public interests and if it has undergone an appropriate process of anonymization (for example public health, scientific, statistical or historical research purposes).

3. How should requests from individuals exercising their data protection rights be dealt by Rentout?


Our users may contact us, through our platforms, to exercise their right under the GDPR (rights of access, erasure, rectification, portability, etc.) Rentout Ltd. will register and reply without undue delay and, in principle, within 1 month of the receipt of the request. We can ask you for additional information in order to confirm the identity of the person making the request. The requests made by our users through our platforms will be free of charge. If such request is unfounded or excessive, in particular because of their repetitive nature, we may charge you a reasonable fee or refuse to act.

4. What happens if a user objects to Rentout processing their personal data?

Any individual or user have the right to object the processing of personal data for specific reasons. If such a specific situation exists, it must be examined on a case-by-case basis.
Individuals or users also have the right to object at any time to the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes. Direct marketing is understood under the GDPR as any action by our company to communicate advertising or marketing material, aimed at particular individuals. We assure you such personal data will not be used, at any case, for direct marketing purposes without your consent.

5. What personal data and information can an individual or user access, correct, delete, transfer, restrict or object on request?

When our users request access to their personal data, Rentout International Ltd. must:
• Confirm whether or not it is processing personal data concerning them;
• Provide a copy of the personal data it holds about them;
• Provide information about the processing (such as purposes, categories of personal data, recipient, etc.)
Up to the user’s request, Rentout will provide him or her a copy of their personal data free of charge. However, a reasonable fee can be charged for further copies.
Rentout will also support your right to data portability, which allows you to send your personal data to another organization or request its deletion, restriction, or objection.

6. Do we sell your Personal Information?

Based on our Privacy Policies and Term of Use, we guarantee our users that we do not sell personal information to third parties and we do not sold personal information from our company creation till now and we will not do so even in the future.

7. Do the data protection rules apply to data about a company?

No, the rules only apply to personal data about individuals. However, information in relation to one-person companies may constitute personal data where it allows the identification of a natural person.

8. For how long can my data be kept and is it necessary to update it?

Your data is stored for the shortest time possible. That period takes in consideration the reasons why Rentout needs to process your data, as well as any legal obligations to keep the data for a fixed period of time.
Rentout time limit to erase or review the data stored is no longer than necessary for the purposes of which that data was collected.

9. How much data we can collect?

Your personal data will only be processed where it isn’t reasonably feasible to carry out the processing in another manner. Where personal data is needed, to sign an e-contract, to obtain our platform services etc., it will be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the purpose.

The personal information you give to us is as follow:
• Account and profile data, when you register for an account with us, our platform will require some personal information such as your name, email address, password, phone number, driver license number (date of issuance and issuing country), photos, date of birth, identity verification information (national ID card / passport). All the above requested data is needed to sign your rental contract with our Hosts, your insurance contract with our partners and to profit from our platform services as a subscriber by paying your fee to help and run our platform.
• Payment data, is collected (digital payment details, bank account or payment card numbers) by one or more third party international payment service providers or digital payments companies.
• Vehicle data is collected to list your car on our platform and gain passive income from it. A vehicle identification number, availability dates, reviews and vehicle photos are constantly collected to provide to our Clients the most accurate information regarding your vehicle and protect your vehicle with our insurance plans.
• Communications and information: We collect information about the communication you choose to provide and share with our Hosts. When you choose to participate in a user research initiatives, we also collect information you provided to us.

Personal information we automatically collect through Rentout platform:
Device Data, Usage Data, Location Data and Trip Data will be collected from you, due to your interactions with our platform services, such as website page, content, log-in history, searches, bookings, precise device location, how long you spent on a page, operating system, IP address, general location information, state, city, dates, amount charged and other trip details, etc.
Vehicle device data: if you, as a Host requested to install our Telematics devices in order to protect your vehicle from being stolen or to know if your client is respecting your vehicles rules, we may collect, only during a reserved trip, certain information such as GPS location, fuel level, odometer reading, car battery voltage, engine state, door state, VIN number, etc.

10. Cookies and similar technologies

When you access our platform and services, we may place some small data files on your computer browser or associated application called as cookies, clear gifts, flash cookies.

11. Do we collect third-party data from other services?

Rentout as well does collect third-party data from other services. These services can provide us with information such as profile registration information from Google or Apple. The information we may receive varies by the relevant service, and Rentout can have access to this information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We are not responsible for how these third parties use and share your information.

12. Does Rentout collect sensitive data such as religion, politics, and health data?

Rentout does not gather information on politics, religion, health, or other topics.


13. What does grounds of legitimate interest means for Rentout?

As a car sharing platform, Rentout needs to process personal data in order to carry out tasks related to our activities. The processing of personal data in that context is legally justified by our legal obligations or carried out to execute the terms of your car rental contract, insurance contracts, subscription contract with our platform, telematics services contracts, online parking reservation and payment contracts, etc.

14. Security of your data

Your data is retained in Europe and will not leave its border for the whole time, and we will not share it with third parties. Our technical staff, physical, data protection officer, and designed platform are there to protect you 24/7 against unauthorized access, destruction, or alternations while you are with us. However, no method of transmitting or storing information can be 100% secure, but we’ll do our best to guarantee the security of your personal information.

Thank you for being part of the largest car sharing community in the Balkans and using Rentout platform.