Terms and Conditions of use and service



Rentout is a car-sharing platform and app for car rental companies and individuals, offering drivers the largest car fleet in the Balkans through electronic services. As a European company, Rentout International Ltd. is subject to Maltese and European law and cares about its user’s protection, privacy and transparency.

Rentout International Ltd. provides a car sharing networking platform and network tools allowing users worldwide to search for, communicate through, get information, pay and get paid, register, list, and rent registered cars, matriculated, and owned by Hosts in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Montenegro.


In accordance with the provisions of Civil Code (Chapter 16 and Chapter 12), Companies Act (Chapter 386), Copyright Act (Chapter 415), Copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market (Subsidiary Legislation 415.08) of the Republic of Malta, Rentout International Ltd. informs you that:


The present website and platform are designed and published by Rentout International Ltd, a private limited company registered in Malta Business Center with a company registration number of C108358, and a registered address at no. 2 Geraldu Farrugia street, Zebbug, Malta, ZBG4351.


The mobility infrastructure and options in the Balkans area are not yet optimal and the available solutions have not fully integrated the necessity to reduce their impact on the environment. Our app and our international platform integrations will provide and guarantee to our users a variety of mobility services, by helping our planet feel better.

Rentout unwavering objective is to put more than 100,000 cars to better use, thereby reducing millions of tons of CO2 emissions.


We took on and overcame challenges others deem impossible.


Please read carefully our terms and conditions of use and services, because these terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you as a Guest, Client or Host of our website, platform, apps, or services (collectively, “Platform) and Rentout International Ltd (referred to as Rentout).

By clicking sign up, login or continue with Apple, continue with Google, users acknowledge they have read, received and accepted these terms and conditions and the necessary information prior to accessing, using, and profiting from the Rentout International Ltd. Platform and services.



In these terms and conditions of use and services, unless the context otherwise requires:

The term “Book” refers to the request for the reservation of a vehicle made by the Client through the Rentout Desktop Platform or Rentout Application.

The term “Client” refers to the individual or legal entity who accepts these terms and conditions and provides every personal information through the platform to be fully registered on the Platform and profit from its services. Client is expressively a vehicle renter for the Hosts who registered their vehicles on the Platform to be rented by the Client for a short period.

The term “Guest” refers to the user of the Platform who is exploring it without being registered or accepted these terms and conditions.

The term “Insurance” refers to insurance services covered by the partners of Rentout International Ltd. for the vehicles registered on the Platform.

The term “Platform” refers collectively to the Rentout website, desktop platform, application, or services downloaded or used by users, as an online intermediary services provider for Clients and Hosts.

The term “Host” refers to a user who accepts these terms and conditions and first registers as a Client, then requests to be registered as well as a Host, by supplying additional information and registering a car owned by him, his company, or third parties, granting him the authority to rent it and gain profits from these rental agreements with the Client.

The term “Services” refers to all services made available and provided to users by Rentout International Ltd when legally and rightfully using the Desktop Platform, Application, or Website.

The term “Website” refers to the websites providing information, services and access to www.rentout.ai, www.rentout.al, www.rentout.mk, www.rentout.mt, www.rentout.hr, www.rentout.com.al.


Rentout International Ltd. is an intermediary and is in no manner a party to the rental process or transaction concluded only between the Host and the Client. Rentout offers its Platform to Hosts seeking to rent out a vehicle in the available geographical area (mainly Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Montenegro) to Clients willing to pay their rental and extra service prices to the Hosts directly.


Rentout International Ltd is solely an intermediary provider of information technology services and does not rent any vehicles, including but not limited to cars, vans, campers, or retro cars, through the Platform or by any other means. We are committed to only making it possible for the users of our Platform to come together and easily connect and negotiate for the purpose of vehicle rentals and other additional services related to vehicle renting. A Client and a Host can use the Rentout International Ltd services, only by signing up, logging in or continue with Apple, continue with Google, therefore accepting the present Terms and Conditions.


Rentout International Ltd. provides to its Clients and Hosts many mobility services, tools, networking, fleet management, geo-localization & telematics services, and online payments in exchange for a minimum commission fee for each rental reservation or parking payment. A monthly service membership payment will be charged to Hosts for subscription based services such as but not limited to geo-positioning & telematics services and plans etc.


We bring to the attention of the Client and Host, these terms and conditions apply only to the use of the Rentout Platform. The Client and the Host, through the Rentout Platform, negotiate and enter into a rental agreement freely. This renting agreement is executed (and electronically signed) online by the Client and the Host through the acceptance of the vehicle condition photos before the rental begins. Such agreement between the Client desiring to rent a vehicle and/or profit from additional services and the Host desiring to rent to the Client the vehicle and/or give additional services to the Client constitutes a binding agreement between these parties in compliance with the respective regulations applicable to the Parties in regard to these kinds of transactions.


The Rentout Platform acts only in quality of information technology service providers and, as such, specifically does not guarantee in any form the legality or validity of these renting agreements and strongly encourages Clients and Hosts to seek legal counsel before entering upon such renting agreements.


To facilitate and ease the negotiation of the rental agreement, Rentout provides the Parties with a draft of a standard agreement that the Parties will review, adhere to, and/or modify in their free will. This draft is exclusively provided by the Rentout Platform as an instrument to ease the negotiation of the Parties and without any implicit or explicit guarantees as to its legality and/or validity. The Parties expressly acknowledge and agree that under no circumstances will they seek Rentout’s responsibility for damages and/or harm that may result from or be linked to them using the draft provided free of charge by the Rentout Platform. Rentout does not require either the Client or the Host to use this draft agreement, on the contrary, both parties are free to agree to and modify at any time, any other type of rental agreement. Rentout bears no responsibility for such rental agreement or any agreed terms between the Client and the Host.


Such agreement, is called the draft rental agreement between parties (Host & Client) and each party will receive a copy of this draft agreement online, when they accept the vehicle condition photos before the rental begins. The moment a Client books a trip and then accepts, before driving the vehicle, the vehicle delivery conditions photos by the Host, such agreement is considered legally signed online between this Client and his Host.


If the Client will accept the vehicle uploaded photos by his Host, this agreement will be automatically sent to their mail box, as a binding proof for such an agreement between parties. If no party will have any request or claim about such agreement between them, at the end of the 24 hours’ vehicle rental period, or if the Client will accept online the uploaded photos by the Host for the car delivery conditions, such rental period and obligation will end.


The Client or the Host, through the Platform, can enter into contact with insurance companies offering their products and services. Rentout is not an insurance company, it does not offer insurance products, nor does it act as a broker or agent for any party. The terms and conditions for each insurance or road assistance (autosos) product are published by the insurance companies online through our Platform and every Client or Host purchasing an insurance or road assistance (autosos) product will receive the proper insurance agreement online to his mail box, digitally signed and with all the terms and conditions printed on it. The insurance company terms and conditions are considered accepted by our users, if they will purchase a product online through our Platform.  Please read carefully every piece of information, before buying such insurance plans and road assistance services from our partners through our platform, because you are entering into a direct agreement with these insurance companies. In each case, we are there for you, and we will support our users for their claims at all-time 24/7.


Our check-in and check out process allows our users to upload and download photos, content, videos, and documents related to their trip, car, or insurance plan cases. In order for us to be able to assist you every step of the way, we require that all communications between the Parties with regard to the rental agreements and/or additional services be made through our Platform.


Rentout International Ltd and its partners care about privacy and transparency, therefore, we want you to be familiar with how we collect, use, process, and disclose your personal information. Our Privacy Policy describes the privacy practices in connection with our platform, website, and mobile applications linked to this Privacy Policy. We assure our users that their personal data usage will be in a lawful and transparent manner, ensuring fairness towards our users whose personal data is being processed.


a.    Eligibility

Users can have access and use Rentout platform services, as individuals or legal entities provided that they are legally registered and able to enter into legal binding agreements. In each case, both Clients and Hosts must accept these Terms and Conditions before using the Rentout Platform.

Our platform services are intended only for a Client and a Host who meet our eligibility criteria’s in the location where the vehicle is matriculated. Clients and Hosts can register in the platform but need to be at least 18 years old the day they enter upon a renting agreement to drive or to own and to list an eligible vehicle.

Specifically, the Client must provide their true home address, phone number, a valid identity document, a valid driving license and the requested value of money to be registered on the Platform and book a trip.

The Host must also provide, their true home address, phone number, a valid identity document, a valid driving license, the proper document of vehicle ownership and matriculation, detailed information and photos to be registered on the Platform.

In order to protect their vehicles, the Host can make additional requirements with regard to the Client’s driving experience and age.

In order for a vehicle to be eligible for listing on the Rentout Platform, the request has to be made by the owner of the vehicle (Hosts) or by an individual or legal entity legally authorized to do so by a public notary authorization, or an agreement between parties issued by the owner of the vehicle expressly allowing the listing and renting of their vehicle on the Rentout Platform (individual or a legal entity).

If a Host wishes to list a vehicle that he/she possesses through a leasing agreement, then the Host will need to verify, prior to listing, that they can legally do so and in particular confirm that their leasing agreement grants them the right to rent out such vehicle.

Rentout International Ltd does not make any representations nor confirm, endorse safety, roadworthiness or the legal status on any vehicle rented through the platform. These obligations are exclusively held and assured by Rentout platform’s registered and verified Hosts who have sole and exclusive responsibility to ensure the vehicles rented on the platform are in safe and operable conditions, legally registered, insured by mandatory plans, properly registered and matriculated in Albania (not older than 20 years), Kosovo (not older than 10 years), North Macedonia (not older than 20 years), or Montenegro (not older than 20 years).

These vehicles must not exceed 3.5 tons, must not have less than 2 seats or more than 9 seats (including the driver), must have 4 wheels, and have a volume up to 13m3. These cars can be registered in the name of a company or an individual, who duly and legally authorizes this car to be legally rented within the legal obligations of each country.


b.    Registration

Rentout International Ltd allows its guests to navigate, explore and search for cars without being registered as a Client or a Host to the Platform.

Meanwhile, in order to have full access to our platform and services, users must create an Account by entering their first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, additional information about them, their official identity card or passport, and their driving license. DO NOT PROVIDE FALSE OR FALSIFIED INFORMATION! Please be aware that providing false/falsified information and/or if you use documents (ID, Driving License) that do not belong to you or for which you do not have the right to use constitutes a crime and Rentout should it become aware of this fact, has the right, at its exclusive discretion, to immediately and unilaterally terminate/freeze the account, freeze credits/sums (if any) linked to the account, notify the competent authorities and take any legal action it deems necessary.

Host must first create a profile as a Client in order to access and use the Platform. Once our support and partners have verified their profiles, a Host can register his/her vehicles on the Platform and profit from its services.

In order to pay the rental price, extra services, insurance and road assistance services, telematics subscriptions, bank transaction fees, and our platform fee, the Client and the Host must register their credit or debit card data. We emphasize that we do not process this registration and the Credit/debit card information. Our international partners, such as gateway payment platforms and banks, processed and stored this information, which will guarantee that all parties possess the financial sum to profit from the requested services.

You must submit the information correctly to prevent our partners or Rentout team from refusing your booking reservations or a full account registration. This information and data are necessary in order to enter into an online legal agreement with Rentout Platform, other users, and our partners.

On the Rentout Platform, one user (individual or legal entity) may not create more than one account or listing. Meanwhile, the legal entities have the opportunity under the same account to create Coworkers accounts for their employees, so they can easily manage their vehicle fleet.

After creating an account on the Platform, a Client or a Host must not share their login credentials with any third party. Rentout has the right to verify such cases, exclude the Client or the Host from the platform, and take all necessary legal action. Nevertheless, if the Client or the Host shares these login credentials to any third party and such actions cause any damages to Rentout International Ltd., partners, and other users (Client or Host), this user will take full responsibility for such damages.

A Client or a Host has the right to delete his Rentout profile account by simply pressing a button at the end of his profile. In such a case, the Rentout team will first verify if this user has an ongoing trip or any legal or financial obligation toward other users, partners, or the Rentout Platform, and then proceed with the account deletion. Before the account deletion request, a user must not have an ongoing trip or any legal or financial obligation to any party on the Rentout platform. Deleting an account is irreversible. If the user wishes to return to the platform will undergo the same process as creating a new account.


c.    Verification process

Rentout International Ltd. has the right to verify the Client and the Host uploaded documents, personal information and profile registration, in order to provide a better service for our partners and users. Rentout International Ltd. may, in its sole discretion use a third-party verification service to verify the information our user provides and you hereby authorize Rentout International Ltd request to receive, use, request and store such information.

The Host must also verify, before delivering his/her vehicle to the Client, their identity documents, driving license and debit or credit card, before the rental begins.



Rentout International Ltd may but does not commit to undertake efforts to ensure the safety of the cars, vans, and campers shared, rented, and registered through our platform, apps, and services.

2.1        The Host (Car owner) before renting a car on Rentout platform has to ensure their Clients (Drivers), the legal authorities, Rentout platform and its partners for the following:

       Must be registered on our Platform with their own identity, phone number and provide their official address.

       The vehicle complies with every directive, law, and regulation in force in the Country where the vehicle is matriculated/registered and the decision to be rented on Rentout Platform.

  The vehicle’s preventive, break, and periodic maintenance is properly and regularly performed, and the vehicle is in condition to be rented out on Rentout Platform.

       The vehicle’s technical inspection approval has to be up-to date and confirmed by the public authorities.

 Provide the vehicle’s accurate information, status, photos, extra features, exact location, and the offered extra services.

 Provide the vehicle’s proof of payment of taxes and mandatory insurance coverage in the country where the vehicle is rented.

       Ensure the vehicle’s rented price and deposit amount will be the ones detailed on the Rentout platform invoice and agreement with the third party.

       Provide the vehicle’s real market value during the registration process on the Rentout platform. If such value is not accepted by our partners, it may be modified by their experts, by correcting the vehicle market value and automatically its coverage amount by the insurance companies on Rentout Platform. In case of discordance by the Host, he/she must contact our insurance company partner through our support to agree for such vehicle value or delete this vehicle from the Platform.

       The host’s engagement in ethical, polite, and respectful behavior and communication towards the Rentout platform, the staff and the users.

       The vehicle’s photos are uploaded before every rental begins and when it ends up until 24 hours. If this period will end, and a Host has not yet uploaded live photos of the vehicle condition, then such Hosts cannot directly request to their Clients the respective fees in case of interior damaged seats, refuel fees, police tickets, violations, and refund fees from our policies. In each case, Rentout team will support our users for the proper solution to each problem or complaint.

       Provide the supporting proofs, documents, and information on their vehicle upon Rentout staff requests.

       If the Host has installed any geo-localization or telematics device in his car, the Host must notify his Client for such devices data knowledge and transfer it to him or a third party server.

Rentout International Ltd platform offers a detailed Check in and Check out process, by allowing our Host to upload live photos before the rental begins and after the return of the car by our Clients. This process allows our partners, users, and our team to better verify every request, complain, and avoid issues between the parties.

Our Hosts may share and rent their cars through our services to earn incomes without paying any fees to Rentout International Ltd for the first 2 years from the start of the platform’s operation. Each Host has its own responsibility for complying with all the legal requirements, maintaining and cleaning their cars before, during, and after the rental. Rentout International Ltd has no responsibility for shared and rented cars or any belongings.

Instant Booking is a service every Host (car owner) can activate through our platform. If the Host activates this service, a Client can instantly book the car for which the Host activated the service, without the host’s express approval and binding the Host to all his obligations under the standard draft rental agreement.


At the beginning of the rental, the Host must deliver a clean car to the Client, take at least 8 photos of the car’s conditions and damages, if any, and fuel level, and upload them through Rentout app online before the rental begins.


2.2        Clients (Drivers) must be at least 18 years old on our Platform, provide their true home address, phone number, have a valid identity document, and a valid driving license to rent and drive a car in the country where the vehicle is located and book his/her trip. As a Client, you commit that you will be legally licensed driver and provide proof to Rentout team for your valid driver’s license. First you need to be registered as a user by providing to us your Identity card and your Driver license, then other information will be required to accomplish your profile verification. This information is important for all parties.

Before the rental starts, the Client and the second driver must have with him the original ID document, the Driver License and the Debit or Credit card he/she paid the rental online. Such documents may be required by the Host, our partners or the local authorities. The secondary driver cannot fill or sign the agreement between the Host and the Client.

Clients must have not defaulted on any payments, or refused any payment under our Terms and Conditions obligations for their Rental.

Client must have a valid means of payment at the time of the Rental booking process and until the end of the Rental, to legally end the rental agreement with their Host, Rentout platform and Rentout partners.

Clients cannot carry other passengers for hire or reward.

Client cannot travel abroad unless specific authorization from Host has been previously obtained.


If a vehicle will be rented on Rentout Platform, Clients (Drivers) must pay, if requested:

       The amount of the rental to the Host bank account (Car owner)

       The insurance plan to the insurance company

       The road assistance services

       The service fee to Rentout International Ltd.

       The extra services or pickup and delivery services requested from the Host

       The violation fees to the Host bank account

       Freeze the security deposit amount by Rentout International Ltd for the hole rental period.

       Bank commission fees

       Damages amount to repair or replace the car to his/her owner (Host), if the Client / Driver is damaged, stolen during their rental period.

In order to respect our Hosts cars, avoid violation fees and extra fees, you commit to treat, take reasonable measures and return your vehicle on time and in the same conditions as received.

The Client that rented a car or booked a trip on Rentout Platform is financially responsible for all theft or physical damages. This responsibility applies whether the Client has bought or not a car insurance plan, depending of the insurance plan and its conditions. There are no insurance plans, for the moment, that might cover your responsibility if the car is stolen, so please be careful during your rental. Then our Clients can limit, up to 100%, their vehicle responsibility if the vehicle is being damaged due to an accident or not, by buying our insurance plans online. In any case, such responsibility is not covered if the vehicle is stolen.

If the Client did not purchase insurance coverage plans or a road assistance service, the Client is responsible for every damage he/she caused to the vehicle and third parties during the rental period.

Client (Drivers) must be medically fit to rent and drive a vehicle on Rentout platform.

Client who have committed any road traffic offense, road accident or criminal offence with the rented vehicle must immediately notify Rentout support team and the public authorities for such matters.

Our Clients only are responsible for lost, stolen or left property, belongings in the car, or if the car is taken or damages during a trip. If an accident happens or if the car is damaged, the Client must immediately report it online through our platform and apps, to our Hosts, our team and partners. In order to communicate with our support center or directly contact us, you need to do it online within the app, in the section “Contact Support”.

Client who have been subject to more than 2 complaints by Rentout Platform Hosts, for them misbehavior, driver license revoked, vehicle damages, misleading information’s, Rentout team and partner’s offensives, can be immediately un registered from Rentout Platform and legally pursued in justice for such matters by Rentout International Ltd, or its Hosts and partners.

A user can add a secondary driver for free to his rental agreement with Hosts. In order to add this secondary driver as an eligible one to drive the car at his place and be covered by our insurance plans, the primary driver can add him/her to the trip reservation as a secondary driver only if the second driver is fully registered as a Client on Rentout Platform.

At the end of the rental the Client must deliver a cleaned vehicle to the Host, declare the damages he/she caused to the car or the police tickets he/she got during the rental period. The Client has the obligation to accept or decline the photos before the rental begins.

The Client can request to our Host to modify his trip by adding extra days or changing the actual reservation. It is up to the Host, but usually when the car is not booked, for the requested extra days or it is available by our Hosts to be rented, your request will be approved for extra fees. If the car is booked, the Client can directly contact the Host for a new car, or request the Rentout Team to provide another car for the remaining period of his requested rental.

Reporting an emergency, an accident, or a problem is mandatory for the Client. The Client must immediately report it to the Host (car owner) or to the local authorities, depending on the case.


3. INSURANCE AND PROTECTION PLANS on Rentout Platform are provided by different insurance companies. Rentout International Ltd is not an insurance company and does not insure Hosts or Clients. Hosts and Clients must comply with our insurance companies Terms and Conditions to profit from their insurance plans. Such insurance coverage is provided by our partnership agreements with different insurance companies in Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia. Every Host or Client has a signed online agreement, by only buying our partners insurance plans and services through our Platform. The terms and conditions for such plans and services are published on our Platform, so please take the time to read it before buying one online. The insurance companies will not cover the vehicle expenses in case of vehicle theft. Rentout International Ltd is only an intermediary displaying such services through our Platform to protect and cover our users.


3.1        Vehicle protection, theft or its belongings

Rentout International Ltd is a company offering many mobility services through the listed vehicles by our Hosts on the Rentout Platform for Users to rent out their vehicles and receive from the Rental its financial profits. Rentout International Ltd will not, in any case, assure, cover, pay for our Users or their vehicles damages, theft, or accidents, belongings neither the health of the Drivers and passengers traveling with it. Many insurance plans and telematics services can be purchased from our partners through the Platform, which will help our users to be covered and protected during their rental.

If the Client will fail to return the vehicle booked at the time and place registered and listed by our Hosts, the Host must immediately (within 24 hour) call Rentout Support team and the police authorities.

If you are a Client (Driver) and have rented a vehicle through our Platform and it goes missing or stolen during the reservation period, you must immediately file a police report, return the key to the Host and notify Rentout Platform support team no more than 12 hours after discovering it and fully collaborate with our Hosts and support team to help such investigation.


In connection with our Users for access to the Rentout Platform, users agree that you will not, nor advocate, encourage, request, or assist any third party to:
In connection with our Users for access to the Rentout Platform, users agree that you will not, nor advocate, encourage, request, or assist any third party to:

Violate any law or regulation, including:

– Breach or violate state, territorial, regional, or international directive, or national law, regulation, or any order of a court, including, without limitation, airport regulations and tax regulations, licensing or registration requirements, or third-party rights.

– Post false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, content or information.

– Reproduce, perform, display, distribute, reverse, or prepare derivative works from content that belongs to or is licensed to Rentout, or that comes from the Platform and belongs to another Rentout user or to a third party, except with prior express written permission of Rentout International Ltd.

Dilute or harm the Rentout International Ltd brand and patents in any way, including through unauthorized use of the Platform and its content by

– Registering or using “Rentout” or similar terms in domain names, trade names, trademarks, social media account names, or other means of identification or otherwise that can closely imitate or are confusingly similar to Rentout.

Provide or submit any false or misleading information, including:

– False and last name, date of birth, driver’s license details, payment method, insurance, or other personal information

– In relation to a claim (for example about damage to a vehicle, police ticket etc.)

– Falsifying any person or entity, or otherwise misrepresenting themselves or their affiliation with any other person or entity

Fail to honor the Rentout Platform commitments, including:

– Fail to pay fees, violation penalties, refunds, security deposits amounts or other amounts owed to Rentout International Ltd, its partners or any of its Users in accordance to these Terms and Conditions.

– Use the Platform to find a host or client, and then complete a transaction partially or wholly independent of the Platform, for any reason including the obligation to pay any fees related to the provision of the Platform by Rentout International Ltd.

– Leave a vehicle unlocked or running with the keys inside.

– Harm or threaten to harm users of our community.

– Commercialize any content found on the Rentout Platform or software associated with the Platform including reviews without our consent.

– Collect and reproduce information about users without their and our consent.

– Recruit any user to join third-party services, websites, platform, apps that are competitive to Rentout International Ltd, without our prior written approval.

Intervene with the operation of the Platform, including by:

– Interfering with any other user’s listings.

– Using the Platform services to post and send unsolicited commercial messages, send unsolicited emails, viruses, spam, Trojan horses, harmful code, re-routing e-mails, address information that inflicts Rentout Platform or our Hosts and partner properties and systems.

– Systematically retrieving data or other content from the Platform or otherwise without our consent.

– Attempting to scan, or test the vulnerability of any of our Platform system or network or breach any security or authentication measures.





Rentout International Ltd will charge only its Clients (Drivers) for using the Platform services and every fee, extra service fee, bank transaction fee or taxes are transparently displayed in your booking invoice, our website, our platform, our apps and agreement with our partners and Hosts. Our Hosts will not pay to Rentout International any platform fees, their will only pay their bank commission fees for the requested or received services by Rentout or its partners. Clients and Hosts can verify the amount before, during and after you book your trip. When you provide Rentout International Ltd a payment method, it means you authorize Rentout International Ltd or third party service providers acting on behalf of Rentout International Ltd to store and process your payment credentials for balances, including for the Clients (Drivers) rental amount, Rentout Platform fees, balances, security deposits, violation fees, refunds and cancellations, claims, administrative fees or insurance plans, and administrative and tax fees. In every case you will be properly notified for every matter.

The Clients (Drivers) and Hosts agrees that Rentout Platform, via its gateway payment provider and administrators, will perform a pre-authorization on the Client (Driver) bank account thought their debit or credit cards.  A pre-authorization is temporary hold of funds on a credit or debit card and not an amount debited from the bank account. Such process is needed to assure our Hosts and partners the booking funds are available from the Client (Driver) and the agreement can be signed online.

When the rental will end, Rentout International Ltd will unblock and refund such funds to the Client (Driver) bank account within 5 -7 days.

Payments are due as soon as the payment request is due by Rentout Platform and its payment administrator.

Rentout International Ltd and its service providers will employ all legal methods to collect addition to the amount due, to collection agencies, legal counsel, fraudulent accounts or chargebacks.

Regarding taxes, Rentout International Ltd services fees collected by us, will be visible to every trip invoice, document or contract. If the EU or the Maltese institutions will request to Rentout International Ltd additional information regarding our Hosts and Clients gross payments and services fees we are obliged by the law to provide them this information (DAC7).

The incomes Hosts will gain on Rentout International Ltd platforms are taxable and you are responsible for declaring your earnings in a timely manner. Rentout is not a financial institution and neither is a tax professionals team, therefore, we are unable to provide tax advices to you. However, if you are unclear and eager to resolve these matter, we encourage you to consult a tax experts or our tax partners at RSM Malta, RSM Albania, RSM Kosovo, RSM North Macedonia.

In order to profit and receive online payments and bank services, the international payment gateway platform charges a service fee for each bank transaction as requested by our users. Therefore, our platform and partners will charge the appropriate bank transaction fee to every user (Host or Client) requesting a bank transaction service through Rentout platform.




Rentout International Ltd will have the legal right to use, view, copy, adapt, modify, transfer, distribute, publicly display, transmit or exploit the content you make available through our services, campaigns etc. We will not claim or request the ownership of such content by our users and we will respond to requests of alleged copyright infringement and delete Rentout International Ltd accounts according to the Maltese and EU laws. If you suspect about anything suspicious or if anyone is violating your copyrights, please notify us here [email protected].

Our users have the right to data portability, that is to receive from Rentout the personal data they provided in a structured machine-readable format, and have it transmitted to another company or organization. The right may only be exercised where personal data was collected in the context of a contract or on the basis of consent, and such data is processed by automated means. Please submit these request by mail to [email protected]. Within 1 month our team will reply to you regarding your personal data request.

Our General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives to our users the right to ask for their data to be deleted and we have the obligation to do so, except in the following cases:

          Your personal data is needed to exercise the right of freedom of expression;

          There is a legal obligation to keep that data;

          For reasons of public interests and if it has undergone an appropriate process of anonymization (for example public health, scientific, statistical or historical research purposes).

Our users may contact us, through our platforms, to exercise their right under the GDPR (rights of access, erasure, rectification, portability, etc.) Rentout International Ltd will register and reply without undue delay, and in principle within 1 month of the receipt of the request. We can ask you for additional information in order to confirm the identity of the person making the request. The request made by our users through our platforms will be carried out free of charge. If such request is unfounded or excessive, in particular because of their repetitive character, we may charge you a reasonable fee or refuse to act.

Any individual or users have the right to object the processing of personal data for specific reasons. If such a specific situation exists, it must be examined on a case-by-case basis.

Individuals or users also have the right to object at any time to the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes. Direct marketing is understood under the GDPR as any action by our company to communicate advertising or marketing material, aimed at particular individuals. We assure you such personal data will not be used, at any case, for direct marketing purposes without your consent.

When our users request access to their personal data, Rentout International Ltd. must:

          Confirm whether or not it is processing personal data concerning them;

          Provide a copy of the personal data it holds about them;

     Provide information about the processing (such as purposes, categories of personal data, recipient, etc.)Up to the user request, Rentout will provide to him/her a copy of their personal data free of charge. However, a reasonable fee can be charged for further copies.

If requested by our users, Rentout will also support you with the right to obtain your data portability and transmit it to another organization, or delete, restrict or object your personal data on request.

Based on our Privacy Policies and Term of Use, we guarantee our users that we do not sell personal information to third parties and we do not sell personal information from our company creation till now and we will not do so even in the future.

These rules only apply to personal data about individuals. However, information in relation to one-person companies may constitute personal data where it allows the identification of a natural person.

For your information, your data is stored for the shortest time possible. That period takes in consideration the reasons why Rentout needs to process your data, as well as any legal obligations to keep the data for a fixed period of time.

Rentout time limit to erase or review the data stored is no longer than necessary for the purposes of which that data was collected.



Your personal data will only be processed where it isn’t reasonably feasible to carry out the processing in another manner. Where personal data is needed, to sign an e-contract, to obtain our platform services etc., it will be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the purpose.


The personal information you give to us is as follow:

          Account and profile data, when you register for an account with us, our platform will require some personal information such as your name, email address, password, phone number, driver license number (date of issuance and issuing country), photos, date of birth, identity verification information (national ID card / passport). All the above requested data is needed to sign your rental contract with our Hosts, your insurance contract with our partners and to profit from our platform services as a subscriber by paying your fee to help and run our platform.

          Payment data, is collected (digital payment details, bank account or payment card numbers) by one or more third party international payment service providers or digital payments companies.

          Vehicle data is collected to list your car in our platform and gain passive incomes from it. A vehicle identification number, availability dates, reviews and vehicle photos are constantly collected to provide to our Clients the most accurate information regarding your vehicle and protect your vehicle with our insurance plans.

          Communications and information, we collect information about your communication you choose to provide and share with our Hosts. When you choose to participate in a user research initiative, we also collect information you provided to us.

Personal information we automatically collect through Rentout platform:

Device Data, Usage Data, Location Data and Trip Data will be collected from you, due to your interactions with our platform services, such as website page, content, log-in history, searches, bookings, precise device location, how long you spent on a page, operating system, IP address, general location information, state, city, dates, amount charged and other trip details etc.

Vehicle device data, if you as a Host requested to install our Telematics Devices, in order to protect your vehicle from being stolen or knowing if your client is respecting your vehicles rules, we may collect, only during a reserved trip, certain information such as location, fuel level, odometer reading, car battery voltage, engine state, door state and VIN number etc.

When you access our platform and services, we may place some small data files on your computer browser or associated application called as cookies, clear gifts, flash cookies.

Rentout International Ltd collect third party data from other services. These services can provide to us information such as profile registration information from Google or Apple. The information we may receive varies by the relevant service, and Rentout International Ltd can have access to this information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We are not responsible for how these third parties use and share your information.

Then, data relating to religion, politics, health, etc. is not collected by Rentout International Ltd.

As a car sharing platform, Rentout, needs to process personal data in order to carry out tasks related to our activities. The processing of personal data in that context is legally justified by our legal obligations or carried out to execute the terms of your car rental contract, insurance contracts, subscription contract with our platform, telematics services contracts and online parking reservation and payment contracts etc.

Your data is retained in Europe and will not leave its border for the whole time and we will not share it with third parties. Our technical staff, physical, data protection officer and designed platform is there to protect you 24/7 against unauthorized access, destruction or alternations while you are with us. However, no method of transmitting or storing information can be 100% secure but we’ll do our best to guarantee the security of your personal information.

As a user (Host or Client) of Rentout International Ltd Platform (App / Platform / Services), you agree that you will not, nor encourage, assist, request any third party to violate any law as follow:

          Post misleading, false and defamatory content.

          Violate any national, international law, regulation, directives.

          Display, reproduce or distribute content that belongs to Rentout International. Ltd.

          Register, provide, submit, use or copy similar domains, name trades, trademarks, social media names that might confuse our users or mislead our team with wrongful information.

          The misleading information as a false name, date of birth, driver permit, payment method, insurance proof or any other information that might harm the right to properly claim and resolve any matter requested by our users.

          By registering or falsifying a Rentout account on behalf of another individual other than yourself.




On behalf of the Host and when is required by the Host, Rentout platform automatically blocks a security deposit based on the vehicle type and other rules of the requested trip. When you book a vehicle a security deposit is blocked 48h before your rental will begin.

If the vehicle is an economy or standard type, then the security deposit can be fixed by our Hosts from 0 to 550 euros. This security deposit amount is blocked in a debit or a credit card.  Otherwise, if the vehicle is a Luxury or Retro type (manufactured 30 or more years ago), then it is up to our Hosts to fix the amount of their security deposit in a value of more than 550 euros.

The security deposit may be debited in case of damages to the vehicle or to cover additional fees as a police ticket, fuel, late return, cleaning fees etc.

The security deposit, is automatically released after 3 to 5 days from the end of your rental, if there are no claims from the Host of the rented vehicle within 24h.

Rentout will automatically refund the security deposit 48h-72h after your trip ends, if you meet all the following criteria:

          The Host hasn’t reported any vehicle damage;

          You have paid any eligible reimbursement invoice or police penalty related to your trip;

          You did not leave the country of the rental company / individual without the Host’s consent;

          You did not pass the rental period more than 29 minutes, after the supposed return of the vehicle;


In case of cancellation by the Client 24h before the rental begins, the security deposit is released immediately on the condition that no penalty is due for such cancellation.

Please note that some banks can take an additional 5 to 7 days before showing the released deposit on your bank account.




for vehicles registered in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, and North Macedonia

          The security deposit for Economy and Standard vehicles 0 to 550 euro, depending of the vehicle production year and car market value.

          The security deposit for Luxury, Retro and up scales vehicles is up to our Hosts what amount of security deposit their will require to freeze, depending of the vehicle production year and car market value.




a.    Cancellation fee (outside the free period): If your trip is 2 days or shorter you will need to pay the price of the first day and trip free. If your trip was longer than two days, we’ll charge you two day’s trip price and trip fee. In case you have request a delivery or a pickup service from your Host, we’ll charge you half of the delivery fee.

b.    No-show Client fee – If your trip is 2 days or shorter, we’ll charge you 50% of your trip amount and trip fee. If your trip is longer than 2 days, we’ll charge you 2 days’ trip price and trip fee. In case you have request a delivery or a pickup service from your Host, we’ll charge you half of the delivery fee.

c.    Cleaning policy violation fee – If you return your car in a degraded conditions or dirty enough in order to have caused some damages to it, we may charge you up to 50 euros’ violation fee. We may also remove you from Rentout Platform.

d.    Policy violation fee – If you make a payment outside of Rentout platform for charges meant to be paid via the platform, we may charge you a 100 euro penalty fee and remove you from Rentout Platform.

e.    Vehicle refuel – Please return the vehicle with the same fuel level you started with. Otherwise, we will charge you 100 euros for any missing fuel.

f.     Late return fee- If you return a vehicle from 30 min to 23 hours more of past scheduled trip time, your Host may request your rental daily fee, in addition to the cost your additional use of the vehicle. If, the car is not reserved the next day, you can use still drive it (if the Host will have agreed to it). If not, you must return it to the Host and pay the rental daily fee as a penalty.

g.    Inappropriate location returns – Your Host, may request to charge you from 20 to 100 euros’ fee, in addition to an inappropriate location return, farther than 1 to 100 km.

h.    No smoking of violation fee – Neither you nor your passengers may smoke in any vehicle prohibited by our Hosts to smoke inside the vehicle. If you do not respect this policy and your Host provides us eligible evidence of smoking, we’ll charge you, on behalf of our Host a 50 euros’ violation smoking fee (the requested fee to properly clean the vehicle).

i.      No animal and pet violation fee – Neither you nor your passengers may bring inside the vehicle prohibited by our Hosts rules. If you do not respect this policy and your Host provides us eligible evidence of animal and pet violation rule, we’ll charge you, on behalf of our Host a 50 euros’ fee (the requested fee to properly clean the vehicle).

j.      Police ticket – If the Client fails to declare the police ticket he/she received during the rental period to the Host, and the Host sends evidence of the ticket to Rentout support, we will charge the ticket amount the Client. On behalf of the Host, if the police do not notify the Host within 24 hours’, we will charge you for this police ticket during your next reservation on Rentout Platform.


In order for our Hosts to claim a charge from the security deposit, they must raise a claim from the platform to the Rentout support team within 24 hours after the rental period has ended. If such a claim is requested 24 hours and 1 minute later from the end of the rental period, our platform is coded to not accept any more claims from the Hosts. Therefore, every Host who is willing to charge his Client a part or the hole sum of the security deposit must apply for such a request only up to 24 hours after the rental period has ended. We please you to follow this rule, in order for us to help you receive the requested amount from the Client bank account.

Note:  The security deposit does not cover anything else then the valuation fees mentioned above or the future evaluated costs from our Hosts claims to the Rentout team. If the vehicle is damaged by an accident, glass breakage, parking damages, natural disaster, or fire, such damages are only covered by the insurance plans.



You can cancel your rental free of charge, as follows:


a.    If you cancel at least 24 hours before the start of your rental, you will receive a full refund.

b.    If you cancel at least 23 hours 59 minutes before the start of your rental, you will be refunded for half of your 2 days’ rental payment.

c.    If you cancel after your rental was supposed to start, you will not be fully refunded, but 2 days of your rental fees will be transferred to the Host of the rented vehicle and you’ll get the rest of your money refunded within 5-7 days. In case you have request a delivery or a pickup service from your Host, we’ll charge you half of the delivery fee.

d.    If the Host doesn’t show up or the car does not exist anymore, the vehicle did not match at all the listing, you experienced a case of force majeure, you will be fully refunded.

e.    If the Client (Driver) wishes to modify its trip, he / she can do it only if the payment has not been already processed by Rentout International Ltd. The Client (Driver) can modify its extra services, pickup and delivery services or the insurance plans, but not the trip dates etc. if the payment has been processed.

Note: Please note that, if the Host of the car contest your cancellation, your refund will take longer, in order for us to suspend it, while our team find the best solution for each parties involved.

Usually a refund process by the bank, can take up to 7 working days. For every case above, you will be notified with the proper document or receipt.

If you will contest the applied fees, you must submit a request within 24 to 48 hours and bring evidence supporting your request. If this delay will pass, we cannot open a refund request and we will assist you to find an arrangement with the Host directly.

If you cancel, 23 hours 59 minutes before your trip, or during your trip etc., the bank transactions fees needs to be paid by you.



Rentout International Ltd. holds all of the intellectual property rights related to brand, logo, software, source code, design, website, platform, video-graphic, text, sounds, graphics, and all types of elements related to Rentout Platform.

All Rentout users agrees to not infringe any of Rentout intellectual property, as mentioned above.

The usage of Rentout platform must be done, expressly for the only purpose of using Rentout Platform services, not to replicate, perform any illegal act, or damage Rentout reputation by causing any illegal act or law violations.

Users on Rentout permit Rentout International Ltd. a non-exclusive license / right to use their data which are necessary to execute Rentout Platform services.



Rentout cannot be held liable or responsible for the malfunctioning or the incorrect functioning of the Platform including their lack of availability to the behavior of a user in case of an act of a third party, force majeure, war.

Rentout users agrees for services limitation provided online by Rentout Platform, especially in terms of response time, technical and connection issues, cybersecurity attracts, or virus infection on the internet.



Rentout International Ltd reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to unilaterally modify the Platform, update its features, characteristics, legal, financial, technical terms or this agreement, including these terms, at any time. If we decide to amend these terms, we will immediately post and notify our users of the modifications to our terms and services. You have the right to close your account within 30 days if the modified terms are not acceptable to you.



Dispute resolution for Hosts and Clients (Drivers) residing in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro or in European Union member states.


Subject to applicable directives, law or regulation, The Users registered on Rentout Platform agrees that any disputes or claims between Rentout International Ltd relating in any way to, arising out of these Terms and Conditions, the use of access to the services, any breach or enforcement, or termination of the Agreement and them, will be solved in accordance and with the provisions of the Republic of Malta and European laws.

Pre-arbitration dispute resolution, between Rentout International Ltd and any User of the Platform can be properly resolved in advance if the other Party should request, claim or dispute such matter by contacting us at [email protected].  First, the user must notify us for such matter and we will attempt to negotiate an informal resolution to it first. If possible, please provide to us all the information, proof, evidence and photos for such claims, dispute or request so that we might assist you properly and resolve the matter by avoiding pursue in court.

If a user initiates an arbitration procedure, he / she will be responsible for certain costs of arbitration proceedings and attorney’s fees and expenses. Such expenses can vary from 300 euros to 25.000 euros (the relief sought).

Governing law of such Terms and Agreements are the laws of the Republic of Malta and the European Union.



Users may discontinue to use our Platform services at any time on Rentout Platform, by deleting their account and removing all their listing and information for any reasons.

Termination of access to the Platform or the account deletion will not release any User from any of their obligations. Rentout International may retain and continue to use any of information even after this request for the account deletion. The termination of the Agreement will not have any effect on the disclaimers, waivers, or liability limitations, or legal disputes provisions under this agreement, fees, and all the terms will be valid to such termination of the Agreement.

We are committed to serve you 24/7 and resolve all of your requests, claims and support and we thank you for being part of the largest car sharing community in the Balkans and using Rentout International Ltd Platform.




Version published on August 27th, 2024.