La télématique, une composante essentielle de la rentabilité du MaaS

The growth-at-all-costs strategy that Uber and other newcomers to the mobility service market notoriously followed is gradually being replaced by an emphasis on sustainability and profitability. On the one hand, technology have advanced, making services more dependable and available than in the past; on the other hand, optimization is the current problem. However, the negative […]

La télématique, une composante essentielle de la rentabilité du MaaS

The growth-at-all-costs strategy that Uber and other newcomers to the mobility service market notoriously followed is gradually being replaced by an emphasis on sustainability and profitability. On the one hand, technology have advanced, making services more dependable and available than in the past; on the other hand, optimization is the current problem. However, the negative […]

Road Trip dans le nord de la Croatie, péninsule d’Istrie (7 jours)

• Time frame: 7 days• 200 km was traveled, or almost three hours of driving.• Highlights: Istrian wines, the Pula Amphitheatre, and the historic town of Rovinj The stunning Istria area of Croatia is one of the best spots in the Balkans for a road trip. Istria, one of Croatia’s culinary hotspots, is a great […]

Le tournant de la génération Z contre la conduite automobile est un mirage

The barrage of trend headlines about young people refusing to drive should not be taken seriously. Decades of autocentric growth are too strong for the desires of individual generations.Is there a younger generation that can free our traffic-choked cities? Many people have been asking themselves this question lately.A headline in The Economist in February declared, […]


The incredibly beautiful path that stretches down Albania’s coast is a must-see for beach lovers. The route is simple to drive and offers several wonderful locations to pause for a dip or take a detour to explore the sights inland, but you need to rent a car. We took our time to unwind and enjoy […]

Les avantages du covoiturage : une solution durable pour un transport moderne

Carpooling has become a practical and sustainable way to get around in the modern world as traffic congestion and environmental concerns increase. Carpooling, sometimes referred to as ride-sharing, is the practice of sharing a vehicle with people who are going in the same direction. It has many benefits for both the person and the community. […]

Road Trip au Monténégro : lac de Skadar et baie de Kotor (5-7 jours)

An ideal location for a Balkan road trip is Montenegro. This road trip plan in Montenegro focuses on the one and only Bay of Kotor, with a couple nights spent on the country’s southern coast and a layover at Skadar Lake. One of the most breathtaking road segments in the area crosses the land bridge […]

Pourquoi devrions-nous tous partager notre voiture ?

An ideal location for a Balkan road trip is Montenegro. This road trip plan in Montenegro focuses on the one and only Bay of Kotor, with a couple nights spent on the country’s southern coast and a layover at Skadar Lake. One of the most breathtaking road segments in the area crosses the land bridge […]

Pourquoi devrions-nous tous partager notre voiture?

An ideal location for a Balkan road trip is Montenegro. This road trip plan in Montenegro focuses on the one and only Bay of Kotor, with a couple nights spent on the country’s southern coast and a layover at Skadar Lake. One of the most breathtaking road segments in the area crosses the land bridge […]