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Common driving mistakes, and how to stop making them

Driving is a daily activity for many, but it’s easy to overlook common mistakes that could have serious consequences. Small errors on the road can lead to fatal results for the driver, passengers, and other road users. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most common driving mistakes made today and provide insights on how to avoid them for a safer driving experience.

Wearing Incorrect Footwear

Many drivers opt for comfort over safety when it comes to footwear while driving. The seemingly harmless choice of flip-flops, especially in hot weather, can lead to accidents. Surveys indicate that a significant number of drivers have experienced issues with flip-flops getting caught under floor mats or slipping off pedals. To drive safely, choose closed sandals or plimsolls instead of flip-flops.

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Continually Braking Downhill

When descending a slope, the instinct to constantly apply brakes can be detrimental to your car’s brakes. Overheating brake disks and loss of grasp are common issues with this approach. A better strategy is to shift into a lower gear, allowing the engine’s braking effect to slow the car down. If necessary, apply firm and intermittent brakes to maintain control without risking overheating.

Lane-Hopping in Traffic Jams

In the frustration of being stuck in traffic, some drivers impulsively switch lanes to find a faster route. However, frequent lane changes contribute to overall traffic congestion and can lead to dissatisfaction among fellow drivers. The most effective way to navigate traffic jams is for everyone to stay in their lanes, promoting smoother traffic flow and reducing the risk of accidents.

Shifting into Reverse Too Early

Parallel parking in a tight space can be stressful, leading to the mistake of shifting into reverse before the car has fully stopped. This can result in damage to the engine or gearbox. Take your time, and don’t rush the parking process to avoid potential harm to your vehicle.

Static Steering

Turning the steering wheel while the car is stationary may seem convenient in tight spaces, but it significantly increases tire wear. Static steering should only be used as a last resort. Whenever possible, avoid turning the steering wheel when the car is not in motion to preserve tire health.

Poor Seat Adjustment

In shared cars, adjusting the seat for comfort and safety is crucial. Taking a few minutes to customize the seat’s distance from the wheel and pedals, as well as the steering column’s height, can be a lifesaver in case of an accident, particularly when airbags deploy. Proper seat and mirror adjustments are not just about comfort but can contribute significantly to road safety.

Storing Items on the Rear Parcel Shelf

While it might be tempting to place items on the rear parcel shelf when the trunk is full, it poses risks. Objects on the rear parcel shelf can obstruct rear visibility and become projectiles during sudden braking. Store items under the seats in the footwells to ensure a clear view and prevent potential hazards in case of an emergency stop.

Being mindful of these common driving mistakes and making conscious efforts to avoid them can significantly enhance road safety for everyone. Whether it’s choosing appropriate footwear, adopting proper braking techniques, or making necessary adjustments to your driving environment, a vigilant approach can make a positive difference on the road. Stay informed, stay safe, and enjoy a smoother and safer driving experience.

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